I would like to know your tips or advices on how to say NO to your in-laws/parent/relatives when it comes to raising and taking care of your kid? I can't seem to tell them without sounding mean and ungrateful the "My Kid, My Rule" sentiment.

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I would suggest letting your husband handle your in-laws when there is a need to say "no". Even with logical and rational explanation of your decisions, it is (almost) always tougher for you to reject their good intentions. However, you husband would probably know how to handle them better. It is also important to consider some of their suggestions. For those that are not in conflict with your current rules/practice, you can try it out. It would be helpful when they see that some of their suggestions are being implemented. ;)

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8y trước

Miss Jacq will discuss this to my husband as soon as he comes home. Hehe Thank you for your insight. :-)

Hi Mary Rose! That is one tough problem right there and I totally feel you!!! Normally what I do is address my concern to my husband. Knowing it's his parents, it would be easier for him to talk to them without sounding so rude. :)

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