Birth certificate
Hi . I would like to ask if we can do our birth certificate at the gov. Hospital ( NUH ) ? Or have to go ICA ?

I did mine at the hospital too but take note that waiting time is long! The earliest appt at NUH in Oct 2020 was two weeks from my child’s DOB. Costs $40 at the hospital vs $18 at ICA.
You can. When you register the birth on the app, you can choose whether to collect from the gov hospital or ICA. The former is more expensive though. Both require appointments to be made.
I just did for my daughter at ICA. Much cheaper and the process is hassle free (provided you have already did your submission thru the app). Done in 20min (walk in).
Download moments of life app, apply there pay $18 then collect at ica. Hospital charge expensive.
So if I need it fast do at ICA is better?
Cam do at hospital to save a trip. Do rem both husb n wife IC and a name in mind.
can as long as you have marriage cert(if wanna include dad’s name)
yep. it’s cheaper to do at ica though, hospitals charge additional fee
yes u can do in hospital within certain day after gave birth
Yes, I did it at TMC. They have a counter for registration!
You can do it at hospital after birth :)
Can do at hospital
Mum of 2 beautiful girls