5 Replies

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Armpit thermometers :) Ear thermometers are not always well received by young children, especially if they had a bad experience with things near their ears or with a clinic visit - it also has the risk of injuring the ear when LO tries to struggle away! For infrared thermometers, LO's forehead is not big enough for an accurate reading - so they're usually recommended for much older children or adults. As for armpit thermometers, it's a little easier to convince your child about it because the most that will irritate her is a cold tip! You can then firmly hold her arm down to take the measurement.

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We bought the infared red thermometer for about $100. The ones used at the PD clinic.

VIP Member

there is a way to tilt into the ear to get s better scanning

I'm using the Braun and never had an issue with it.

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