Baby's first food

Hello! May I know what is your baby's first food? And how often do you feed in a day? My baby is 5 months plus and PD gave me the thumbs up to start him on solid. Fruits or rice puree first then can start to introduce egg when he is 6 months. Can I also start him on plain water a bit? Or should I just feed him milk to wash down?

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When first starting solids at 5 months, I just gave my boy small amts for him to be familiar with the taste, mostly Cerelac mixed with milk and pieces of fruits to suck on. Usually just once a day. Only aft 2 weeks when he seems to be more interested in solids I started to give him the full portion Cerelac mixed with milk and pureed fruits twice a day. At 6 months he has rice or fruit puree 3 times a day. At 7 mths now, I just started to mix fish in his rice puree. I've not started him on eggs tho. Not sure if u know, if u want to intro egg, start with the yolk first as the egg white has proteins that have the potential to produce a mild to severe allergic reaction. You can give small amts of water once baby starts solids. My boy doesnt like water tho, has to keep forcing him cz his poop becomes quite hard often.

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4y trước

Noted on that. I gave my baby sweet potato and he hates it 😂 will try other options.

Thành viên VIP

Hello. I gave sweet potato + breast milk and baby love it caused of it sweetness. I only give like 20ml-30ml each time for baby to try out. I follow the guideline of feeding water however usually baby don’t drink much. Is best to try one food/fruit at a time. For me, I’m on the safe side so normally I try for a week. My baby is 8months old and I tried giving egg yolk and she have allergic reaction so I have stop giving till she’s turn one. Just to share, I alternate fruit and veg in a weekly basis. My first fruit is banana with breast milk and she love it too.

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4y trước

Ohh ya, is best to wait minimum at least 3 days but but baby can’t finish the veg or fruit in 3 days so I let her try for a week (at a safer zone too) since she got eczema.

Influencer của TAP

hiii, i started to gv avocado puree + milk or gerber rice cereal + milk since my baby was 5.5mths old and only once a day around 30ml. now she 6mths old i increased to 60ml still once a day tho. will feed some water with spoon while feeding the solid, since she doesnt like water haha. i prefer not to gv her sweet solid first cos worry she will be picky next time haha. i think soon i will gv her sweet potato + milk. im also still learning, but not to worry since below 1yr old the main food is still milk 🥰

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4y trước

True. Thanks for the heads up mummies ❤️

Super Mom

My babies first food was Pumpkin mash. I fed him a baby spoonful of water after every scoop. At around 5 months, your baby’s food should be smooth, soft and fine in texture. As he/she grows older and his/her chewing abilities develop, the texture of their food can be thicker and coarser.

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4y trước

yes banana mash is a winner!

I started my girl on puree n cereal at 4months exact, switched to BLW around 5month+! gave water when offering food as well

4y trước

Oh great! Thanks for the heads up mummy! Glad I posted here and asked for help 🤗

Influencer của TAP

avocado! i gave my girl avocado purée for her lunch, mixed with formula.

4y trước

Nice! I've yet to try avocado. Don't know how to pick a good one as well 😅

Thành viên VIP

I gave apple puree and banana puree and cereal

4y trước

Trying the apple puree soon! I just need to blend it right?

Thành viên VIP

Broccoli, apple puree

4y trước

Tried apple puree and he loves it! I haven't try veggies yet.

Influencer của TAP

puree and cereal

4y trước

Yup adventuring on puree first before cereal