4 Replies

While exersaucers can give parents a much needed break from entertaining their babies, I feel that there is more bad than good with them. Alot of posture, balance and future walking issues. Exersaucers can cause baby to shift into a position that tips his or her head back too far, with shoulders up too high, shoulder blades pulled too far back, their hips held back by the seat. That sounds awfully uncomfortable yes? Often baby's toes will be stretched due to the fact that they are unable to touch the floor probably and will be on their tippy toes for a long time.

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Better not as exersaucer is supposed to entertain the young ones who are able to, at least, sit up by themselves. It is ok to let ur 5 mth old sit in for a while but not for v long. That's my personal opinion.

Your baby will probably learn to sit independently between the ages of 4 and 7 months.

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