6 Replies

to be honest, diaper bags are similar to the normal bags that we adult have .. just some extra compartments in it .. i'd suggest you just look in shopee or get a free one .. i got free good quality one from Similac when i register for their baby goodies and samples .. i wanted to get the UV sterilizer but i asked my cousin and friends who already had babies if it is essential .. they said not really .. some of them just used them only a couple of times .. can just boil water and sanitise the bottles .. save money and save space .. breastpump, i was gifted the mandela one not sure what to reccomend cause i myself have not experienced using any .. baby still baking in the tummy . haha ! also, you can watch videos on youtube about baby essentials and mommy nust have from experienced mom . good luck!

thank u for sharing and have a smooth delivery :)

i initially used the free diaper bag from hospital, diaper bag is jus a bag with many compartments, imo, they r big bulky and not pretty(even though they come in colorful designs). after that I switched to my own bag(had many big totes) and use an insert to compartmentalize within the bag itself. personally prefer my own bag to diaper bag. double pump saves time coz pump both side at each time, don't need pump 1 breast after another. I also noticed tat if I pump 1 breast at a time, the other breast will start to leak milk, then I need to hold a container to catch the leaking milk, so I rather pump both at the same time. havnt used uv sterilizer before, coz heard from a mummy tat it turns bottles yellowish, so I only used steam sterilizer so far. hope the info helps!

thank u

as an exclusively pumping mum, i would recommend getting a double pump as it is so much more efficient, especially for all the MOTM pumps where you can barely keep your eyes open. and definitely a sterilizer because you will be washing bottles and pump parts so frequently. i’m currently using a steam sterilizer and it is such a hassle to dry everything so many times in a day. if you are mostly alone at home with not much help, get a UV sterilizer if you can, it saves you so so much trouble. of course this is from my personal experience as an exclusively pumping mum. if you are planning to direct latch, then i suppose a normal sterilizer and single pump is sufficient!

thank u so much

Double pump will be better in my opinion as it saves you a lot more time. If single pump then you have to do it 2 times . (20 mins x 2) I’m using spectra I bought diaper bag from Taobao. I like when there’s more compartments but normal bag is fine too. I’m using steam steriliser but if I will to choose again, I would choose Uv one. Because steam one needs to clean regularly. Needs weekly maintenance

thank u so much :)

single pump is sufficient if you’re ok to pump twice (x2 the duration). but usually you can borrow hospital’s pump. uv not essential, even hot boiled water will do the job

I bought medela swing maxi double electric pump

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