6 Replies

Hi dear, I am not sure but I know that the milk tin got suggest the amount of milk to feed. As long as the total volume of milk suggested is roughly the same as the amount ur baby drinks in a 24 hr period then it's ok. My boy tho know 9 months have never drank beyond 150(a few times) or 120. So some babies just prefer to drink lesser each time. Depends on baby big or small drinker

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On average about 750ml for babies 1 to 6 months. As long as baby is growing fine during yiur check ups, dont worry too much about it. Enjoy the moments :)

Amount 1oz/hr is optimum dose for 1st year of life, if baby intake q 4hr give 4 oz/dose for him/her to prevent overeating syndrome.

VIP Member

my baby is a large drinker. so every 1hr 4oz po depende po kapag gutom na po siya.


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