I am in the second trimester and feeling numbness on my right outer thigh and at times tingling and severe pain... with time it has increased a lot and even on laying it has started painin badly. can someone advise what it could be and treatment for it. or if it is meralgia paresthetica then how to treat it during pregnancy

It does sounds like Meralgia paresthetica. This condition is caused by compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous, the nerve that supplies sensation to the skin surface of your thigh. It is common during pregnancy as the growing belly puts more pressure on the groin tissues. The condition would likely improve after delivery. Speak to your doctor for his/her recommendation on how to manage the symptoms, it usually involves the following: - managing weight gain - massage and cold treatment - pain medication - wearing looser clothing to take pressure off groin area
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I had something similar. Often had a sharp pain in my thigh mear groin sometimes. Never knew what it was. But when i told the doctor they said it was due to babies weight pressing on the ligament.