Seek For Advice

Hi, I hope someone can help me with this. Me and my husband decided to divorce reason being we had too much quarrel over my pil. My husband priority is always on his parents. When me and my baby cannot have family time ourselves most of the time. I only go back to my in law place once a week my baby currently 7 months old. Never stayed at my in law place for more than a night after give birth. I did my confinement at my own place and due to alot of issue I keep postponing on moving back. Upon discussion with my hub. I told him I will try to make it once a week and bring baby back for them to see. I'm working part time 3 days a week for a few hours. My hub don't feed us. I'm currently bfing my baby. Taking care of her most of the time myself only time is when I go to work my aunt will help out. Now my hub want to fight custody with me. Cos he want my baby go to his place and let his parents take care while I work. So he want 3 to 4 days a week. Which I don't agree as we stay super far apart. He actually suing me now just received his lawyer letter. Anyone know what are the chances of me getting my baby care and control? My hub family is rich. I am just from a normal family. I don't know should I give in or hire a lawyer as financial part is not easy for me. If I have a higher chance I will hire a lawyer no matter how difficult it is.

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