I am heading back to work in Nov and would have spent 9 months with my boy at home (took NPL). What are some of your advice as I transit from a SAHM to a FTWM? My husband will be taking care of my boy until he is old enough for playgroup.

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Hi mummy, having spent 9 months with your boy.. I'm guessing it will not be an easy process having to be away from him and adapting back to working life. What kept some of my friends grounded when they transit back to work was having a list of things to do and prepare before going back. Once the logistic part is out of the way, they focus on preparing themselves psychologically. Separation anxiety is real, and it is applicable to the mothers as well. You can consider joining support groups such as SNS: working moms support group and connect with other working mothers. https://www.facebook.com/groups/SNSWorkingMoms/

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