First thing, take a breath and relax… I have same experience too with my first child. My child too always choke during bf. What I do is I followed what my doc teach me. During breastfeeding your child, hold and let go your nipple. This is to control the amount and pressure of the milk go out when your child suck the nipple thus prevents her from choking.
Set time how long the gap you want to bf your child. Every 2 hours? every 3 hours? Every 4 hours? You set your timing.
If you still feel your breast heavy with milk after feeding your baby, then pump out the balance. Or you can also do like this: give feed 1 breast, and pump out the other breast. Then for next session feeding, give the one that you pump before and pump out the other one.
It’s normal to get breast engorgement if your child not latching correctly every time bf. Me too get so much stress during that time but I’m able to manage it at last 😌