It would be great to have one of each. Then close factory. Having girls she can be the mini version of you, you can dress her up and she can do everything with you. On the other hand having a boy, they are like the mini version of your husband. Protective one, not much of stuff to dress up. But of course their activeness seems a whole lot to handle. So for me, I can't decide. But I do have 2 of my cousin that has 3 boys/3 girls and they stopped 😅
Preference as in gender? If so, I prefer girls (and thank god I have a girl) as I grew up in a majority girls environment and I’ve seen my nephew (terrible) which made me want girls even more. Also, they have nicer clothings and I can tie their hair! We can also wear matchy outfits and do mani pedi in the future tgt. That said, these are just preference, I will still love them equally even if it’s a boy for my future kid. 😂
I had my 20 weeks scan today and found out it's a big bird😌I have 3 boys and 2 girls. was hoping for one more darling baby girl but hai...... now I have 4 boys and 2 girls. lol... faint!!!