8 Replies

Super Mum

Try to count your calorie intake everytime you eat. You can dl any calorie counting apps and count your calorie whenever you eat. You can use this link : https://www.healthhub.sg/programmes/94/calorie-calculator to find out how much calorie do you need in a day and do not exceed your calorie intake. Remember to eat your food slowly as well. Try to start exercising at least thrice a week. Remember to drink more water and stay hydrated. Try to get enough sleep. Not easy for us parents to get enough sleep daily but this is important as lack of sleep is related to retaining more weight after pregnancy. Maybe can try to ask your husband to help and look after your kids while you get more sleep?


You can't really cut calories if you are breastfeeding. However, technically, you aren't "eating for two" anymore. So you probably need less calories! If you are not into calorie counting, just focus on eating wholesome, nutritious meals. Exercise is the other thing that you can really step up. Just find ways of including exercise in your daily routine and do at least one day a week of strength training.

VIP Member

Ive been taking slimming supplements that are safe for breastfeeding for detoxification and losing weight. Massages and etc wasnt effective on me either, hence turned to my supplements for help. It is a jelly type of supplement and required to eat once a day before bed thats all. Took me about 2-3 months before losing all my pregnancy weight

Tremella Enzymes

What really helped me lose weight after my second child was getting a personal trainer and hitting the gym. I did this with my best friend.

I remember those gym sessions!

VIP Member

Hi... you might find this article informative https://sg.theasianparent.com/truth-losing-baby-weight-delivery

VIP Member

think bf is the best ... But till now i didnt lose any 😱

VIP Member

eat less rice!! I think this is the fastest to slim down.

VIP Member

Breast feeding? Active lifestyle & also eat healthy?

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