Cough and flu

Hello! I have gotten fever along with flu and cough passed from my husband. As i know myself, my cough tend to take some time to recover. Sometimes up to 1 month or 2. If i wasnt pregnant, i would have consumed all kind of meds and lozenges to help ease the sore throat and cough. But since i am 10 weeks pregnant now, what are the remedies to help me recover fast from my potentially another series of prolonged cough? Ive been trying my bes to hold on to my cough, drink lots of lukewarm water and such. Any reccomendations on lozenges and cough syrups? #pleasehelp

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Lozanges still can consume and normal panadol if really need it. Dont worry, it wont harm the baby. Best to just check with ur doc. Take care!