I have a gay friend who adopted her friend's baby (now 8 years old). It was as per her friend's request because of family problems and financial incapabilities. Plus, it was an unplanned pregnancy. However, after going back to Manila, her friend is already asking for her child back. I find it unfair for my friend but I also understand the plight of the real mom. I've seen her raising the child so well. How do I give advice to her?

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Ahw, this is one kind of dilemma i don't ever want to get into. 8 years is not a short span of period. The child could get confused by then and I believe would be hesitant to go with the mother. If I were your friend, I'd tell the mother not to get the child instantly, but maybe eventually I guess? Like for instance, we could go on a picnic on a weekly basis so as to let the child know her better. Then from there, little by little, she can be with the child alone for longer periods of time. She should first develop to have the child's trust and love. She could not just get the child and tell her, "I am your real mother".

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