I have a gay friend who adopted her friend's baby (now 8 years old). It was as per her friend's request because of family problems and financial incapabilities. Plus, it was an unplanned pregnancy. However, after going back to Manila, her friend is already asking for her child back. I find it unfair for my friend but I also understand the plight of the real mom. I've seen her raising the child so well. How do I give advice to her?

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I also understand the yearnings of the mother. If I am in the situation, I will advice my friend to at least give the mother time to visit her child and limit boundaries first if he's feeling that she might take away the child fr. him. It would be better if from the moment he chose to adopt the child there was already a formal agreement so the mother could not readily protest if she wants to. But for the mean time advice your friend to take measures to let the mother at least visit the child without telling who she really is bec. the child might be confuse and probably won't understand the scenario.

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