I have the funkiest, vivid dreams eversince I am pregnant. It's always colorful and eventful, adventurous, and most times I am on a traveling mode be it a car, ship, train or plane. Sometimes I do get nightmares of my past haunting me, and I dream so often. Do you dream a lot too?

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Wow! This is interesting. I went to google to see if there’s any explanation for this and found that it is common for ladies to have more vivid dreams during pregnancy. Just to share, it could be due to hormonal fluctuations, or the quality of your sleep. As one is more likely to experiences disturbances (e.g., having to wake up to pee more frequently, baby moving, physical discomfort etc), one would have more interrupted REM sleep (which is where dreams occur). Therefore, when one is woken during this stage of the sleep cycle, there is a higher chance that one could better recall/remember the dream, making it seemed as though the dreams are more vivid, colourful and real. There is also another explanation saying that a way for your subconscious to deal with any fears or concerns that you may be having. May be interesting to keep a dream journal. Will make for an interesting read in future when you look back on the pregnancy journey. :)

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