Pregnancy loss - chemical pregnancy

I have just experienced chemical pregnancy loss. This is my second loss. I am so devastated. I am desperate for a baby. I want my first child. What can I do next to up my chances? When can I try again? #just_asking #TTC #helpmommies

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get some blood test for recurrent miscarriage done. better do it at specialist/fertility clinic. after 6years of ttc, 3x times failed ivf with gov hosp, 1chem preg, i changed to private fert clinic and they did this blood test for me. 8 kind of blood test. finally know that i actually had a blood clot disorder (gov hosp doesnt do this type of blood test since its quite costly). dr prescribed me with clexane+aspirin daily, all throughout my pregnancy, and i finally manage to retain my pregnancy to term. tbh blood clot disorder is quite rare but who knows. my O&G dr also tell me that she only has several patients with this condition... even if you dont have the same problem as me, maybe one of those blood test can tell you another problem you had.

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Other than physical well-being, we need to take care of our mental well-being as well.. for example, avoid stressing too much (sometimes at the workplace.. And it's not only from the mother who needs to take care of those things.. the father needs to prepare as well.. studies show that the father contributes to healthy sperm and affects the placenta so does the growth of the foetus.. meaning that folic acid should be taken by both. Discuss with the expert doctor.. enjoy the process, and I pray that you'll be blessed with healthy children with God's will.

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Early pregnancy loss commonly caused by several factors like chromosomal abnormalities, hormonal issues etc. Make sure you & your spouse eat healthy & consume folic acid or any supplement that can contribute to better reproductive cells. Dont rush & take your time. Ive been there & my gynae advised me to try again at least 3 months after the loss (especially for repeated losses), some people need longer. Yknow a better lifestyle for your body to do the job. My kid is now 2yrs old, a rainbow baby ❤️

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Mine too got miscarriage 2times, and for the third time Dr trying to help me with the babies, he gave me the Duphaston pill, and alhamdulilah the baby survive now she’s 2years old 🩶

just enjoy ur life first. no need to stress, down, just do whatever makes u happy okay? one day, u will get what u want. just don't be sad. goodluck ❤️

Influencer của TAP

No need desperate for a baby. Keep calm and enjoy the TTC
