What does Epidural feel like

I have decided to get epidural when im giving birth in weeks to come. How does epidural feels like? Is it painful when they insert it ? I read quite a few say it feels like current going down the legs. And any side effect afterwards? Like shivering etc? If we’re shivering, will it affect us when trying to push ? #FTM

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Once epidural is in, you’ll become a vibrator. I think my dose was higher so I lost control of my left leg, it went jelly and I couldn’t lift or move that leg at all by myself. Non stop shivering, doesn’t really affect pushing but the moment after you give birth….non stop vomiting. I didn’t feel anything when they insert since I’m on laughing gas (I was high on it and floating).

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10mo trước

Coz my labour was too long I think..