6 Replies
have u tried nipple shield or soothie style pacifiers? my lo was the same, will scream bloody murder if i tried to latch her, i introduced soothie style pacifiers and somehow that helped her understand how to latch? i usually will massage my nipple area first or express a little milk out before trying to latch her. i also tried laid back nursing & let her wiggle to my boob, that was the first time she latched. she’s now 1.5m
When i was trying to transition to fully breastfeeding from mix feeding of fm and bm, i gave baby half her feed in the bottle first and finish off at the boob. That way baby remembers how to latch and eventually when my supply was up (mine was more of supply issue), i managed to breastfeed her exclusively by latching - when she was around 2.5mths
We didn't have problem with that
My bb was premie so a little weak to latch when born. Only bottle for first mth. She gets angry when I latch her after that as I have short nipples. Eventually I got to bluff her to latch and she did so only when half asleep. After a few times, my nipple protrudes and she prefers latching over bottles. She is still latching at 21mo now.
Could you walk through how you bluff her? My baby also screamed n cry at my nipple
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Hi mummy have you tried using the tools to help you with bf for inverted nipple?
Hello! I did that too but then even so baby finds it hard to suck so she gets frustrated because the nipple cannot reach the back of her mouth. Then with nipple shield it Is too slow. Do you have any other suggestions?
its get better.
Can you suggest methods to let baby latch? Now when baby is at boobs she will cry n cry.