2 Replies

Nothing comes easy my dear. It is indeed tiring. I am also working yet at the same time handling two of my kids that are in Kindergarten and Infant Care. I wake up middle night for feeding and diaper change, after that before 6am will be up for my husband to be ready for work, then proceed to have shower and get ready for my second born to send her IFC. Then I proceed to work till 5pm. Though my first born will be handle by my mum. She does only showering, feeding and to/fro sending pick up to school. Other than that from chores, handling kids most of the time will be me alone. Do I get helping hand? Yes from my spouse when needed and when I asked or when he feel I am overwhelmed.I specifically told him,he will handle the first born and nothing else while I handle house stuff, etc as well as second born. I like to do things when everyone else asleep. And when I am done, that's the period I get to Netflix, Coffee/Tea or do things alone. Do I miss my ME time or DATING time? Of course I do. But I told my husband that kids are important and when they are in school then we can have our time together. And we will always ensure either of us will have time with friends alone or we will have our friends coming over to hang out. Sooner later,everything will get easy and you missed those moments where you do everything alone or with spouse when your baby is just few months old. Let me share that when they start to walk, crawl, etc, it will be more tiring. You got to have that solid energy to keep up with their level. So chill relax and plan your time well. She's 2 months old and therefore you can have the time alone when she's asleep. All the best.

it's funny how people chose to have so many kids and wants to act hero here and laugh at FTM with 1 kid

i totally understand you. i am kind of in the same position. it's me alone with baby during the day. hubby cant work from home and we also have a 6 yr old who demands lots of attention. i keep losing my temper at him, he gets upset and that makes me feel like a horrible mom. huddy is very willing to help whenever he can but i feel bad that he has to do so much and i cant even handle 1 baby on my own :(

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