4 Replies

Yes. Formula-fed babies are more likely to be constipated. Formula milk are more likely to cause constipation because they are casein-dominant, and this is harder to digest than a whey-dominant infant formula and so the matter will move more slowly through the bowel, allowing more fluid to be reabsorbed from it and making it harder, and hence causing discomfort to baby when they do a poo. http://www.infantfeeding.info/Constipation.htm To ease the constipation in babies, you can feed some probiotics to your baby to improve his digestive system. BioGaia has probiotics suitable for young babies. Also, do help baby to massage his tummy to ease the constipation. You can refer to this sample video on how to do the massage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWFg0ODAQvE

My son is formula fed, and he had terrible constipation when he was about 3 months old. It was so heart breaking to see him cry a little each time he was trying to poop and that would come out in little hard balls each time. What I did was to mixed little gripe water in his milk and seemed to help. Gradually overtime, he started to poop regularly afterwards.

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