1 Replies

Super Mum

If it’s at the back, it could be sciatica-like pain. I had that since 13 weeks of pregnancy all the way to the end 😭 Very terrible indeed. It’s worse when you change positions eg. Sitting to standing, and while taking the stairs. Trying to move while lying in bed was also terrible. Truthfully, nothing worked for me, so I had to bear with the pain for 6 months. Your doctor really can’t do very much for you, except to suggest paracetamol. I also had SPD from mid 2nd trimester, so I think my whole pregnancy was just painful. I learned on my own how to adjust my walking and body movements to minimise the pain. Sometimes that worked, sometimes it didn’t. Then I would take paracetamol and limp around. The sciatica-like pain went away immediately after delivery, although now I get it occasionally especially when I carry my baby.

yessss.. the pain can be excruciating at times.. even painful when walking.. does it get worse nearing to 9mths? does it affect your labour or when giving birth? how's your birthing experience with this pain? do u take epidural?

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