
I have alot of baby clothings especially for baby boys from newborn to 9 months old. I wanna bless it all to anyone in need. You wanna? ☺️

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Hi! I too have a few things I would like to give away. Please let me know if anyone wants clothes for boys 5 to 6 years old.

5y trước

can give it to us?

Adding on to that, I can also contribute to more from newborn to 3-4 years. Any one needs?

5y trước

Hi, is it still available?

Assalamualaikum, if u don't mind we want take ur blessings. How do i contact you? Tq

Are newborns clothing or hats still available? My bb on the small size though, 3+ to 4kg

is this still available? my baby boy is 6months old can you give him please🙏

Is it still available? Would like for my baby, he’s currently 6 months

Hi , is there any clothes for newborn bbygirl that is still avail?

Thành viên VIP

Hi... you might wanna post on theAsianparent Preloved baby goods FB group

Thành viên VIP

In fb there is blessing group u may can post it there for fast clearance