You have no choice but be honest to your new employer as you have to be fair to them so that they can make arrangements. I know where you are coming from but you have no choice as you can't hide the truth. It will be ugly and have bad impression on you when they know later. The following may tell you is your worry necessary:
1. You perform well in your new job but they don't want you due to their size of the company and operation needs - Is not your loss as you will still able to find a job later since you are good. Please don't blame them as they have their difficulty. Only big company or civil service able to accommodate you.
2. You perform well and they want to keep you.
3. You can't perform so can't blame them if being ask to leave.
4. If you yet to start work and they don't want you; and you can't afford to have no income, then you may try to withdraw your resignation.
Whatever is going to happen, just accept it. It maybe a blessing.