4 Các câu trả lời

It is normal preggie mom seems need attention than usual. Sometimes man just cant understand. What i did is, I find a suitable time to slow talk with my hubs. I explain why I get more sensitive, clingy, craving... Expect like he massage me... I just talk and let him listened. I even say sorry for feeling all these. He will feel lil bit guilty. Anyway we as woman have to stop having the expectation. We fought quite a lot in the early pregnancy bcause thia is our first experience. Then I start to figure out until when shud I act like this. Its not good for me and my baby too. Then I start stand stronger and just be independent like before preggie. I tak mnghrp husband I carikan makanan yg I craving dah. Instead I buat je semua sendiri. Slowly he cn see the changes and sendiri realize. Seriously I found the strength just from my baby. Goodluck mommy. U r not alone.

Hello mommy. Is this your first child? Dont feel bad about it, many mothers go through what you feel. They're just afraid to voice it because its considered a taboo. So my advice to you, explain to your husband, every pregnancy is different. If his friend is going through an easy pregnancy, it doesn't mean it is the same to you. My suggestion is, talk to your doctor. If you are doing routine check up at KK, you can ask your nurse how. They wont judge! Being a mother IS hard. I hope you'll be strong!

Share everything with your baby , talk to her/him . Stay strong .

Must strong 4 your baby..normal pregnant mom more emotional..

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