LMP at 7wks but ultrasounds says only 5w2d..

I had a myomectomy done in Jan2024 for 1 fibroid, others still remaining, so my cycle is a bit off now moving from 30, 32 days. Had my first scan today but they had issues finding anything at all. Had blood test and showed by hcg levels at 5000. So had scan done with o&g and they found a tiny sac at 0.45cm and dated 5wk2d, but according to my lmp should be 7wks. I'm freaking out... is this because it's not growing as expected? Or is it coz my cycle is off? But such a big diff from 7wks to 5wks.. #firsttimemom #advice

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It is possible that u ovulated late that’s why the sac is dated smaller than ur lmp. I believe your gynae should have scheduled u for another scan in 1-2 weeks? It would have grown by then. Meanwhile perhaps u could have your hcg levels tested?

9mo trước

Your doc sounds busy. Perhaps you can seek a second opinion.

I’m facing the same issue. At week 7 but scan shows only 5mm and I’m worrying.. I do have a late ovulation usually and my period is always late

may i know who did your myomectomy? i need to go for it too