4 Các câu trả lời

Sy miscarriage My 2nd pregnancy @ 3w.. Sbnr nya sy tk tau pun pregnant.. Tba2 tdetik nk cek upt & yes its positive.. Tp dlm masa yg sama sy dh bleeding.. Kena refer gynae.. Suspect pulak ectopic.. Kena ambik drh utk beta hcg.. Review 2minggu & scan..hormon hcg dah negative.. Its complete miscarriage rahim dh kosong dlm scan.. Sy pantang 2 minggu ja.. Sbb dpt cuti pun 3 hari je.. Sebulan lps miscarriage sy pregnant balik utk 3rd pregnancy..tp sy tk tggu pun period dtg.. & My LMP unsure of date.. Skrg baby dah 5 bulan sy besalin bln 11 taun lalu.. Sy dari sebelum kahwin lgi mmg slalu ambik folic acid.. Itu ja sy makan for supplement..

THANK YOU! doakan saya pregnant semula dan baby selamat kali ni.

I'm having the sme situations with u. I got married in Dec 2018. Preggy in Aug 2018 then miscarriage early this year. The doctor said I had to rest my uterus for 1 year and have to bpantang for 44 days. But Im not stick with what the doctor said, currently I'm on my way for TTC.. Wish both of us concieve soon. Really eager to have a baby and simetimes jealous to see others getting preggy n give birth.

Yessss. so trueee. All the best!!!

my great gynae said if you are mentally prepared, you can try anytime to be pregnant. for physical preparation, pls kindly go for a good gynae for regular check up n to check your uterus condition. pls eat folic acid start now. may god bless you with a healthy baby soon 🙂

My doctor said wait till first cycle then can start ttc back.

Yeap I'm waiting for the first cycle before ttc 😊

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