I had a minor surgery, remove an infection abscess around abdomen area on skin, as it's quite painful, the Doctor prescribed Panadol and kept saying is safe for pregnancy. I took one as I could not bear the pain but I'm very worried of my baby in womb. Is it harmful to pregnancy?

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Panadol or "paracetamol" is generally considered safe for short-term use during pregnancy. If your doctor has prescribed it and reassured that it is safe, then you shouldn't worry too much. I have friends who were reluctant to take panadol just like you but they did it anyway and everything turned out fine. As long as it's not excessive, I reckon all will be well.

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I myself am taking panadol for my recurring headaches from time to time. Gynae was the one who prescribe it to me anyway. As long as it's the regular panadol, nothing to worry about, as long as you don't exceed the maximum dosage.

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