1 Replies

If you are taking subsidy then you should take under gynae/private. Usually this happened if you are subsidy. Dr will most of the time touch and go and will do quick check and ask the necessary QnA to patients. If you have any doubt, always ask on immediate to clear the doubt. Not too sure if gynae/private patient received this kind of treatment. But ill say they do get better service, sometimes personal touch to first time mum/dad. While I understand it is a concern, but you can perhaps feedback to the hospital you are currently in and to always ask or share feedback where necessary. Sonogram paper should include Name NRIC GE and all other small details indicated. And if you are at early stage you should take folic acid. If you have your own vitamins, then she mentioned is fine then continue to take. Not all mummies are able to take more at early stage sometimes dr do not want to stop whatever you have currently take (perhaps it suits you or it is already good enough). Hope this helps ur questions one way or another.

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