Pregnancy after blighted ovum

Anyone able to share their personal experience of pregnancy after blighted ovum? I had a blighted ovum last quarter at 7 weeks, things happened naturally without D&C. Now im here with a dye stealer at 18 DPO. Cant help but feel anxious, still doesnt have much symptoms like before. Clinic asked me to go for early checkup at week 5. Update: test line continued to darken, symptoms did not increase. Sac could not be found on week 5 or 6, ectopic confirmed after. #lineprogression #blightedovum

Pregnancy after blighted ovum
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Super Mom

Hugs and congratulations. 5weeks is a bit early. Cause sometimes cannot see much then, and that will spike anxiety. Hope it will be ok. Blighted ovum is quite common.

3y trước

thank you. Yea i didnt wan to head in early, 2 weeks wait after is painful. But because of history, they asked me to head in earlier and if required injections/medications