babe, it could be too early or you could have miscalculated the gestational age of the baby. I have a similar experience.. the first time I went to see my gynae I thought I was at 5 weeks based on the last menstrual period dating. However, when I scheduled the appointment for my first scan, the doctor could not see anything except for a small little sac which he couldn't conclude whether it was the embryo since it was so small. Needless to say, I was scheduled to come back 2 weeks later for a rescan. during that time, doctor also asked if I wanna do the HCG blood test on that day and 48 hours later to see if the levels are doubling at least to determine if the pregnancy was viable. I did it anyways and the blood test came back okay. 2 weeks later, I went back for a scan and to my relief, the baby's heart beat was heard and the scan measured BB to be 6w2days old. It should have been at 7 weeks if it was based on what I calculated my own. I could have ovulated later that month I conceive. Hence, please take care of yourself and have faith that you can detect BB in the next scan. Hoping that things goes well for you!!!