2 Replies

First of all, having his baby and your own child is a fact. You got to accept the baby and start loving the baby. Baby can feel your emotion and don’t let it affect him/her. I don’t think you want a sad child feeling unwanted after born. Be responsible to the child. Second, I’m also facing financial issue w my hub and his ex 2 kids. I set a boundary, my money is my money for the baby. Whatever he gives me is meant for the baby. His own problem he has to own it and settle it. I may be mean but he is responsible for whatever his decision is. Third, follow some fb group for preloved stuff, they are lovely and good. To me it is completely fine to use preloved, I can save on that while keep changing the items (fashion show to make myself happy a little). Then bless others when I am done using it. Things will be ok one day, just have to treasure what u have currently especially pregnancy. Breed a cute happy and healthy baby! Hugz

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Do you believe in fate? Things happened for a reason. Whatever has happened is the past. Now, you’ve gotta look and move forward. Enjoy your pregnancy, try to manage your emotions and finances. Work out a financial plan with your hubby. Let him know, how much you need a month. If you need help, talk to your family, his family and him again. Take care

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