Can I give my 7 months LO milk, cereal and puree only? Or is a must to give porridge?

Cereal not much of rea nutrients. Is processed right. Puree means ? Fruits? Vegie? Meat? Protein? 7mth can go beyond pureed food. Can start mashed food instead. And if possible focus on well balanced meal
When my lo in that age.. i give both puree & tried porridge.. but my LO prefers noodles than porridge. So i gave heinz baby stars with puree. Or baby misua with pork or chix broth ;)
i didnt reallu start solids till almosr 1yr old.. i feel that isnt a rush to it. before that i occasionally will get her to eat fruits.. most importantly is milk
Yes sure, no hard and fast rule about parenting! Do note that solids before 1yo are just "for fun", main source of nutrients is still from milk until then :)
Yes you can. Its more of a personal choice to me. I give my baby carrot sticks for a start. I did blw
Yes, you can start to slowly introduce porridge to your child. If unsure, always check with your pd.
Start weaning and experiment with few things Porridge Purée Cereals etc
Read moreYou can give milk, cereal, purée and porridge as per your child liking.
you can give cereal and purée! porridge you can start at arnd 9months
Yes. Porridge with minced meat/fish can be given later on.