can i get my baby sick if i have a cold?
Yes. If you have are having cold, best to wear a Mask, or don't breath near baby face. Some people let baby immune but if baby is small, they have not much medicine to eat, hence it's very suffering for them to have cold, as they took longer to heal also.
Read moreUsually no as antibodies are already produced before we are really sick and baby is already consuming all these without realising it. In fact, this helps babies to build up their immunity level especially if you are breastfeeding.
yes. definitely. its still a virus. wear a mask if you are handling lo on your own. best to prevent baby from sick as its not easy for them to recover easily.
Yes, viruses can spread from you to your baby. Hand washing before touching your baby will help prevent the spread, as can wearing a mask.
yes definitely there is a chance but doesn't mean 100% your baby will fall sick. if you bf the needed antibodies may go to bb too
yes viruses can spread to bb.. it best to wear mask it will lower the chance of bb getting it