6 Replies

hi dear, not to worry. its because u r fully breastfeeding. when i had my #3, my menses came only days after her first birthday. im currently breastfeeding my 14mths old (#4) and night feeds for my 3yr old (#3). my menses have yet to come since after birth. its normal. 😚 but if u r concern, do go to ur nearest gp or poly and heed doc's advice 😊

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its entirely possible to be irregular when one is breastfeeding. I was in fact. however please don't count on this to have unprotected sex either if you are not planning to have another one soon 😆

but I am planning to have another. How do I know when am I ovulating etc if its irregular?

Breastfeeding is not a guaranteed birth control method and it is possible to get pregnant soon after birth. How much delayed are your periods? Best to take a pregnancy test soon.


im breastfeeding my baby...my menses came every month but last month however it didnt come..so i when to get it check ..ooohhh im preggy...my num 5🤦

were you exclusively breastfeeding?

VIP Member

You can still get pregnant whilst breastfeeding. Please get a pregnancy test

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