5 Replies

But is it adviseable to get preggy after 5months? As im also delivery under emerg c-sect and planning to get pregnant again.. but its like too soon

its not advisable to get pregnant 5 months after a csect. usually you are told to wait for at least after a year, minimum, to conceive. it takes 1 year for the outside scar to heal and 5 to 10 years for inner scar to heal. so getting a near gap pregnant esp for csect is not advisable.

blue dye suck for early testing. try using a pink dye. can use those Internet cheapie strip test.

Looks like you’re pregnant. You can check again in a week’s time

I don’t see any faint line 😂 Only saw -

What’s so funny about that? 🤔

Yes it looks like you're pregnant

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