2 Replies

Maybe try increasing his feed amount? Make 30ml (see how much he can drink and see how much he can take without spit ups. If he throws/spit up in large amount, that is his limit .Its very normal, we are a mother but we are still human beings with emotions. Would you consider a pacifier? If after increasing feeds still crying murder, it might be due to gas. My baby never had gas or colic issues so I can’t advise on that. Not all babies are angel babies, don’t bother about what other people tell you about their babies STTN or sleep all day, every babies are different. Mine only started STTN at 3.5m and when she goes thru growth spurts, STTN is non existent. Don’t feel that way, you are also learning and trying hard. It will get better once you learn how to identify his needs, it takes time definitely. (I am super hot tempered mum and no patience btw, but I lash out at my husband instead when it feels like the world is a bad place.😅)

I hear u Sista! Especially when you said “ I didn’t expect motherhood to be this bad” cause I was exactly like you, 110%! Baby cries after feeding because baby feels gassy or baby still want somemore. You can try top up another 30ml and see how it goes. And you may wanna note that baby may have colic. Mine cried from evening till 11pm EVERYDAY and there was nothing we could do to help comfort her. PD gave her Ridwind and probiotic. And I got her a baby hammock (yaolan) to help her calm down and sleep, which is a life safer to us! The situation will get better, you will eventually get more sleep. Hang in there.

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