FTM confused on what to get.

I am a ftm and confused on when to start buying stuff and what are the thing to buy and take note? Anyone has any list to share? Thanks in advance

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I started buying in my 3rd trimester starting from the big ticket items. As FTM myself with a 3 months old baby, I feel my biggest must-haves are my Ergobaby carrier, stroller, Haenim steriliser (makes my cleaning and sterilising of bottles so much easier as I mix feed), Joie car seat, cot and Spectra S1. For diapers I signed up for as many samples as I can frm the various diaper brands, goodie bags and friends whose baby have outgrown tt I ended up not having to buy any newborn size diapers for the first month. Luckily my baby has no skin issues with any brand. Don't buy too many baby clothes as baby will grow v fast. My baby cant even fit some of the smaller newborn clothes at his 2 weeks mark as he's a 3.8kg baby. Wipes: I'm using Infantino, bought during Shopee flash deal, much wetter and bigger than Pigeon. Standby some baby bottles and milk storage bags even if u intend to exclusively breastfeed. I didn't at first thinking I'll be fine but ended up having issues with my supply as I had csect and baby went to NICU for jaundice. Baby detergent, wash, bottle detergent, bottle sponge.

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