How do BF mummies give your baby and pump?

I first time pumping my breastmilk out but im not sure do i alternate giving baby bottle and direct latch every 3 hours ? Im not working and dont plan on working anytime soon so im wondering how do mummies feed your baby?

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i tried to latch and give in a bottle but logistics nightmare!!! must be meticulous in washing and drying. careful of bacteria and mould in pump parts and corners of bottles etc. i even found mould on my bra because mositure from milk and sweat etc. urgh becareful of hygeine is what im trying to say. 😕 but but but ending up latching all the way and baby refused bottle of every kind from then on. HUGE downside is u can never leave babys side ever or ever sleep more than 4 hour stretches(i didnt know need to wean night time by 1). imagine trying to go for an MRI and baby cannot be handed to another caregiver or u need go a&e. true stories for me. mine breastfed until 17 months so i ended up super exhausted pp. then suddenly one day i decided to wean off slowly and finally stopped altogether. whew. best and worse time of my entire existence. do consider ur mental health too ok

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i latched as much as i could...