13 Replies

Hi Mummy.. I just gave birth.. am a first time mom too.. if you are scared just take the epidural.. I took one and it was a life saver.. and I enjoyed the whole process.. but epidural can be taken only after atleast 3 cm dilation. well.. pain..it completely depends on individuals tolerance.. it starts off as mild period pains every half n hr to 20 mins..and then the worst period cramps at 5 min apart..and goes on and gets worse.. that's how labour starts and usually most of us are atleast 1cm dilated at arnd week 37.. during that worse period like pain at arnd 5 mins apart, that's when your gynae will check on how much you are dilated. if you are less than 3cm and can't tahan the pain, you can take pethadine injection though! if you are above 3 cm dilated, then go for epidural.. however pethadine and epidural can't be taken one after the other.. atleast a 2 hr gap is advised. and if you want to have epidural, make sure you inform them immediately as it might take time for the anaesthetist to arrive.. above all.. jus relax.. I too was super afraid initially.. but jus don't worry.. everything is gonna be fine once you hold the little one in your arms! cheer up.. and emake sure you enjoy the whole process.. god bless and wish you a happy and healthy pregnancy:)

hi congrats on giving birth !!! thanks for the information 😅😁🤗🤗

Because you don’t know how it will go, you’ll feel scared. My baby was overdue and I was given less than 10 hours to prepare for induce due to low fluid. (I was told to admit at 11pm on the same day of my checkup at 2pm). I gave birth at TMC and I had to go up to the delivery suites to be on CTG myself. I had no idea if this was gonna be painful or that will hurt so I was crying 😅 My entire process from induce till labour took 6 hours. My advise is…. HUG THE LAUGHING GAS PIPE. That thing was a life saver before I was given epidural. I was high on it for 3 hours 😅 (I could hear everything around me but I feel like I have no control over my body). I’m not sure if it’s the epidural or the gas but yeah, I couldn’t feel my legs so baby was vacuumed out while I was busy throwing up and I fell asleep right after sewing was done😂 The entire process was pretty much painless once I started inhaling the laughing gas.

Hi my dear, i will cut straight to the point. My first child i also alone just had hubby to help trust me u need someone else like ur mum or ur inlaw. .or sister. You will be very tired n will need alot of help. Food u get confinement food very important to regain ur energy. My hubby help a little bit thats y i strongly suggest u ask help from family. As for giving birth go for all ur check up. Take epidural n u push when u feel the urge to s*** thats when u push as hard as u can.... since u hv taken epidural u wont feel pain...u only feel pressure at ur vigina. Also after a few hours u will start to feel pain so u ask for ice pads, it will help u numb ur pain. All the best

well ,i was induced last week . You can tahan the contraction and take epidural... it is lifesaver. After delivery having confinement food is important.. at least you don't need to prepare food and just need to order food for hubby. For my husband he has learn how to cook simple meal for himself. For first 3 nights we look the baby together and watch all the you tube for baby tips. Nobody help us either... subsequently we took shift so one of us have some rest and other look after the baby. i did get Bio gaia baby drops it help the baby not get so colicky . so my LO is less cranky and he sleep well. Best of luck.

:) delivered my baby with my hubby, just 2 of us! no relatives here in SG. delivery is ok, the difficult part is when baby is alrdy out as u need to take care of baby ,if u need a proper rest u need to ask for ur relative help! As for me i have no choice during that time as its lockdown cant ask relative to come here in SG. I did manage to care baby maybe because iam used to sleeping very short hours and my working life contibuted ,,so i was trained😁 food sometimes i cook,sometimes i order from foodpanda I always order from greendot

It wasnt really scary.. i had some brown discharge a wk before i had some pain at lower back making me unable to slp.. then it got painful till i fell aslp.. but the next night i couldnt, too painful till hb ask me go hosp.. he scared i pop on his car 😅😂 then i also tried to tahan and took laughing gas which didnt help and i just felt worse trying to breathe so end up i tahan until 7cm then take epidural. Frankly i couldnt feel anyting, not even pushing. No pain 😅 take a chill pill!

I just give birth to my baby in early June. I thought I can take the contractions pain, but when it started dilated to 4cm, I decided to take epidural. Then everything is like in heaven kind of feel, no pain no feel, no suffering. Then my baby come to me already. Relax is most important. And remember to constantly do deep breath when contractions come. Good luck! May you in safe labour. 🥰😍🤩😘

I was shaking from fear the first time I went to the hospital to deliver. Very glad I went for the epidural as I tore not just outside of the vaginal opening, but along inside wall of the vagina also. Having the epidural meant I could keep still so Gynae could stitch me up properly.

If can don't take any epidural. Tahan if you can. After baby comeout all the pain gone just like that, there's come ur first love baby look. Baby can look at u deeply in love. Trust me. You can do it. My tips drink milo for your energy. Momy to be 4 here.

Not scary. Hehe. I was looking forward to the arrival of the baby so I want it to be fast. I took epidural too so that I can rest because the contraction pain made me tired. May all be smooth for all of us, Mommies. ❤️

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