How do you deal with pregnancy envy?

I am feeling down seeing posts and people around me that are of the same age with babies and toddlers, basically children of their own. Seeing posts of pregnancy and baby toys when I have been TTC for awhile now. I have no children and been having baby fever for quite sometime now. It has been really difficult juggling being happy for them but also wanting and desiring the same for myself. How do you manage your emotions if you have ever experienced something similar to this? #ttc #pregnancyenvy #Sadness #babyfever As I am in my 30s, there's always a worry at the back of my mind that I could never bare children or it'll be too late

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When I see cute baby, I also have desires. Instead of sad or down or envy, I think of how I will raise him/her when I have one. I think of what I can do to improve my wellbeing and do it when I m down. I do workouts or long walks and tell myself I will have one when the time is right and meanwhile I am doing my best and planning to be ready when it’s time. I save for baby so I will be financially ready too. Then read about child development and search baby essentials. Plan what to buy and how to decorate for baby room. By trying to stay healthy and planning for baby is my way of coping. I just lost my baby too.

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Thank you for your advice and I am sorry for ur loss