very very weird dreams

I feel very weird.. eversince im pregnant till now 23weeks, i dreamt of pontianak! ?scare the shit out of me!

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Pls dont take it lightly, right after Subuh prayers, recite ayatulkursi (3x) and 3 qul (3x), same as after Asar prayers, as pedinding they call it. Hope it helps u dear. Take care

6y trước

Will do! Thank u so much for this mummy ❤

My mother's first pregnancy with me she had bad dreams, but I turned out healthy :) relax and if it helps you to be at ease pray more often

Recite lots of supplication and be in the state of ablution before you go to sleep!

6y trước

❤ thank u for this too mummy!

Influencer của TAP

Oops. Maybe don't eat too heavy or heaty food before sleeping

Me too. Keep getting nightmares 😭😭

Thành viên VIP

I have a lot of weird dreams too lately

Thành viên VIP

I had alot nightmares during 1st tri

Thành viên VIP

Oh no. Pls don’t think about it.

Super Mom

It's normal

It's common