Am i a bad mom?

I feel so demoralised that i cannot really understand and differentiate between my 1 monthold cues. Sometimes she cries and wakesup from her sleep, shows signs of rooting and lipsmacking.. when i feed her, she will tend to spitups even after burps… changed her nappy and she will be whiny either. Sometimes she might fall asleep while i feed her and when i pull it out, she cries for it. Idk if thats comfort latching, she denies the pacifier. I bottlefeed her btw. Feel so worthless and unable to connect to her and its been a month..

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Hey there! First off, let me just say, you are NOT a bad mom. Seriously, parenting is a journey full of ups and downs, and it's completely normal to feel overwhelmed, especially in the early stages. It sounds like you're really trying your best to understand your little one's cues, and that's already a huge win. Babies can be pretty mysterious sometimes, right? But trust me, you're doing great just by being there for her. Let's tackle these cues one by one. The rooting and lipsmacking? That's a classic hunger sign. So, it's totally okay to feed her when she shows those cues. Now, the spitting up after feeds? It could be that she's just taking in a bit too much milk or swallowing air while feeding. Try keeping her upright for a bit after feeds and burping her more frequently during feeds to see if that helps. As for the nappy changes making her whiny, she might just be a little uncomfortable or sensitive during those changes. You could try using gentle wipes or changing her diaper in a warmer environment to see if that eases her fussiness. And falling asleep while feeding? That could indeed be comfort latching. Babies find comfort in sucking, even if they're not necessarily hungry. It's totally normal. And hey, some babies just aren't into pacifiers, so no worries there. Remember, it's all about trial and error. Every baby is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. But the fact that you're reaching out for help and trying to understand her cues shows just how much you care. Keep up the amazing work, mama! You've got this. Oh, and if you ever need some extra support, feel free to check out this ultimate bottle-feeding guide [here]( Mama's Choice $18 voucher 👉🏻

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honestly neither could i until my kids could talk...