Feeling bad
I feel bad for my husband as my sex drive changes alot during pregnancy so sometimes i diy or he helps me but I don’t feel like returning the favour sometimes....am i in the wrong?...

This second pregnancy causes low sex drive for me but at least must have sex once every 7-9 days unlike last time was every 3 days. I just feel that we have to condition our mind for it. Watch some films or create the atmosphere. Cannot disregard partner’s needs simply because we are not up for it. Intimacy is a need in healthy relationship.
Read moreI haven’t had sex since second trimester cause it was very uncomfy. And after normal delivery, it hurts.. even just to penetrate. My husband is very understanding though but I feel bad about it too. Now at 7 months postpartum, I’m beginning to have the urge to do it again.. but still quite afraid it might hurt down there 😅
Read moreWe're in the opp boat. My sex drive is so high and when i ask for it he is always not up for it. Omg he even bought me a dildo and asked me to self service myself cos he dont have the mood. Am i seeing a red flag here?
cfm cheating on you.
I don’t have the urge to intimate with my husband towards 2nd trimester. my husband felt the same too & he get so scared if he hurts the baby.
It is normal to change in sex drive due to hormone change. This is happening only in pregnancy time. Try to deal with it,
How did you deal with it