I feed my 6 months LO banana puree. I cut the banana and smash it into puree. I give half of the banana and after that I let LO drink plain water but he choke and cough suddenly and vomit all the puree and undigested milk 3 hrs back he drinks. He vomited quite a lot. Is it I give him too much puree? Or right after eating puree I can not give him plain water? Or his body cannot hole so much banana puree? He looks okay after vomiting.

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Probably undigested. First time eating puree? First time eating banana? Banana can be quite filling. So i recommend 1/4 of a banana first

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How did u feed the water? It might be that he swallow too much water at one go. Then choke, cough n ended up everything out

high chance too much water, you should give a few spoonfuls of water only.