I am a ebm mom and I pump 8 times a day at interval of 3hrs round the clock @ 80-100 ml each time, recently my supply have been up and down and twice I couldn't keep up with his demand and supplement with formula. My mother in law insist that my breast milk Is going to deplete and want me to switch to formula totally which I am against as baby is only 3 weeks old. How do I increase my supplies, I am currently taking fenugreek (twice a day at 2 capsules each time) and fish oil (once a day at 2 capsules each time). my mother in law also insist that each time baby cries it indicates that he is hungry and tend to force feed or waste my breast milk as it will be thrown away if he can't finish it.

First of all, congrats on the newborn! And!! Kudos to you!! I know it is not easy being a ebm mum as I have a couple of friends who are going through this as well. More so when you have family members acting against your wishes. I would suggest getting your husband to handle your mother-in-law. Get him to explain to her the benefits of breast milk and how both of you wish to continue with this option now. Assure her that you are supplementing with formula as none of you are trying to let the baby go hungry. You can take a look at this article (and the links in it for the various parts) to understand the causes of low supply. Identifying the cause may help you tackle the issue more efficiently: http://livingwithlowmilksupply.com/low-milk-supply-in-breastfeeding I hope you find these information useful. Can only offer you my moral support! Hang in there!!
Read moreJust to add on that fenugreek is not really recommended as it can cause gassy baby - then u will have an irritated baby. Try to look for ur milk boosters. What works for some may not work for u, so it's really - u have to go out and try. Lactation cookies, durian, barley, coconut water, almonds, papaya fish soup, Brewers yeast, malt drinks etc etc etc Jiayou. Get ur husband to talk to ur mil. Educate ur mil that baby can be due to other reasons cry, not always milk - baby stomach is v small, can't just feed feed feed every time- it's actually torturing baby too
Read morethank you for the replies, will breastfeed as long as i can and supplement when I am running low, and yes, fed is best. I guess its the support I needed at home rather than drastic measures because its the easy way out. thankfully hubby strongly support my decision. will try on various options to boost supplies, so far fenugreek hasn't give my baby much problem, will monitor :)
Read moreDon't give up, keep persevering! Maybe try to pump 2.5 hours, you'll produce more milk when demands goes up. Babies go through growth spurts when there would usually be more demand. Ignore your MIL, sounds like she has absolutely no knowledge at all. She doesn't know what she's talking about. Tell her to stop throwing out your precise milk!!
Read moreAnyway, breastfeeding is NOT THE BEST. FED is the best. Just supplement when need to. No need so drastic to totally formula too. There's no hard and fast rules, depends on what u want for the child. Think holistically and in accordance to how long u intend to breastfeed (for a variety of reasons to extend or reduce)
Read moreCongrats on yr new born! Breastfeeding is the best for all babies. You can drink lots of fluid and latch on demand. Milk flow is just about demand and supply. Longan Red Date tea is a booster for breast milk. Pls take lots of it. Take lots of soup and fish too.
Read more80-100ml is already very good, judging from the fact that your LO is 3 weeks old. Try power pumping to boost your supply, and when you pump, pump till it literally have to 'squeeze' your milk out. This is to trick the body in producing more.

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This are hungry cues, not necessary that when baby cries means he is hungry. I'm feeding my 3 weeks old 2.5oz of ebm every 2.5-3 hours, if not enough then I will top up by abit to prevent wastage.