My baby is 2 weeks old now and she has been fed with breast milk and top up with formula once or twice at night. It seems that my milk supply is not satisfied her hunger at night. I tried to pump out and the most I can get is 40 ml from both breasts. Can I ask when is your milk supply kick in? Is it normal that 2 weeks my supply is only about 40 ml per pump?

I think what u could do is drink more red dates tea and then eat more healthy food to boost milk supply e.g. fish, millet porridge (小米), black bean soup and etc.. then pump every 2 hourly. have ur 3 meal well and have enough of slp/rest is super impt as well. latch e baby in e morning or afternoon @ least 15mins if possible.. then after latch then give the milk to baby. what i do w my nanny is I will latch the baby then after that baby will have alt breast milk and formular every 2hrs of feeding. . and I heard from a lot that Nan formular is the closest to breast milk so if really get formular get Nan and it is not so heaty compare to other formular. I'm still learning from ppl ard me too. hope what I says helps 😀😀
Read moreHi~it is better to latch on fully for at least 1 month wo pump to establish good milk flow. After that u can start to use pump when the milk flow is better. Try to relax and not to stress yourself too much if not it will affect the milk supply. Try to eat food or drinks that might help such as lactation cookies or oat milk etc.
Read moreI feel u. I was facing the same problem too. Are u able to latch? For my case even latching doesn't seem to be enough n my boy would be on my breast the whole day... Ple recommend latching n power pumping to increase supply ... u can try
If u really hav to top up w formula, try pumping after u latch whenever u hav to give formula so that it tells your boobs to produce more milk. I had this issue too n only managed to exclusively bf when bb is 2 moths plus. Jiayou!
did you drink lots of water? here are some milk booster food best is to latch baby to stimulate your supply. or call a LC to help you massage to stimulate
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don't relay in the pump. If you intend to breastfeed her fully, don't supplement with formula milk. Pump/feed every 2hrly. As now ur body is regulating the milk supply base on demand
Read moreDrink lots of fluids and keep latching on demand. If you feed formula for a feed, you’ll have to pump. Demand = supply.
Feed and keep latching her direct do not top up with FM. It is normal for them to be latching almost 24hrs a day.
I almost having the same issue with you. You probably wanna try legendairy milk to boost up your supply