Is it bad to use pacifier when baby cries?

I don’t use pacifier to make baby sleep but sometimes when she cries and just wouldn’t stop even with rocking etc then is it bad to give pacifier? Will she be reliant if it’s just like once a day or so?#advicepls

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If you’re scare that baby rely on pacifier, try to limit to nap and sleep time only, it helps baby sleep better and caregivers can rest too, win-win! It will drop out of the mouth when baby fell asleep, just don’t put it back until baby make a fuss. Can only use pacifier as the last resort eg I’ll let baby self soothe and sleep on his own, if unsuccessful after awhile then offer pacifier. Slowly lengthen the time before offering pacifier. Weaning wise, not much issue also. I just kept it - out of sight out of mind :)

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