Is it bad to use pacifier when baby cries?

I don’t use pacifier to make baby sleep but sometimes when she cries and just wouldn’t stop even with rocking etc then is it bad to give pacifier? Will she be reliant if it’s just like once a day or so?#advicepls

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It’s definitely a life saviour for mine. Reliant wise, definitely if you use it often, but they will grow out of it. I prefer a happy and peaceful baby over a cry murder one. My LO stopped pacifier on her own at 18m. It was unexpected tho, I was thinking of upsizing her pacifier and changed to another brand, she didn’t like it and when I offered the old one, she thinks it’s the new one so she rejected both. So I took the chance to keep all pacifiers out of her sight and she fully weaned off 😅.

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